Meet Our Team
Introducing the people behind this initiative and why we care for creation

Dennis Tan
Projects | Partnerships
In 2017, God planted a seed in me to be an advocate: for us, as the Church, to reclaim our duty to love and defend His creation. It has always been important to me to be a voice for the voiceless - and who is more voiceless than those that cannot speak? With a broken world comes broken people, creatures, lands — all of which need the restorative power of Christ — and I believe that we must live our lives carrying out His ministry of reconciliation. It is my dream that one day all will know God as Creator, and honour that relationship with Him.

Rebecca Goh
Projects | Website
This quote has stuck with me and guides the way I think about creation care: "Care for creation honors the creator". Caring for the earth honours God our creator whom gave us this earth to steward. I see God in life that is abundant and flourishing in nature, and that encourages me to take good care of creation. As I grow in appreciation for the natural world, I grow more deeply into relationship with God as well.

Rachel Tan
I care for creation simply because they are God's beautiful creations. As we live among His creations, I believe that we should do our best to protect and love not only the nature that surrounds us, but the people too! Caring for creation also sparks many meaningful conversations that starts from a simple curious question of "what is creation care?". As I learn more about creation care and and do more for it, I am compelled to continue loving creation as a way to bring glory to God.

Allison Mak
Education | Website
Christians are called to love God and His creation, which not only includes humans but also the ecology around us! I believe caring for the environment is part and parcel of the love we are to demonstrate as Christians. In desiring to do God's will, I found myself asking if I'm truly loving Him if I only care for fellow humans and not for the rest of creation! That really got me thinking about creation care and what tangible things we can be doing to protect the world God gave us to live in, kickstarting my journey in creation care!

Liaw Ann Shin
Education | Projects
Caring for creation is simply a way of loving God and His people. Loving God by honouring what He has created and not purely for our own exploitation, and loving people by protecting this Earth which all of us live on. Seeing how climate change, environmental degradation, rising sea levels etc affect the lives of other humans and non-human beings, I often ask myself, "Can I say that I truly love God and people if I continue to live in the current manner which contributes to these things?" While it is impossible to revert everything back to how perfect it was in the beginning because of sin, I believe we can still do our best to live in harmony with the rest of creation.

Vinnie Chua
Education | Development
My care from creation began when I was a young girl in secondary school who just learnt how to dive. When I dived, I saw God's creation all around me and it struck me that this was what I wanted to do - protect and love the Earth that God has created. I realised that I was discovering and learning about creation care on my own and that the church wasn't speaking about this issue enough. This prompted me to begin looking into how it can be better incorporated into churches and through this Creation Care SG ministry, I hope to help other Christians see the need and grow a passion for God's creation.

Kezia Khoo
Back in 2017, God broke my heart for His creation as I watched a video on the impacts of climate change. During my trip to Canada, I fell in love with nature and my fascination with the intricate web of life deepened. Observing the interconnections, I feel closest to God and the entirety of His creation when I’m immersed in nature. My heart pains to hear of the suffering experienced, but have faith that God will renew His world as we partner in His redemptive plan. As such, Creation Care isn't just a calling for "green Christians", but rather an integral part of God's purposes and biblical mandate for all.

Sarah Liew
I believe that nature is one of the channels that God speaks and reveals Himself through. Creation is a reflection of God’s glory and majesty, and also speaks of God’s sovereignty and providence. Hence to me, valuing and caring for creation is an extension of my praise and worship to God. With environmental issues disproportionately impacting the poor and the vulnerable, I hope that many Christians will begin to see creation care as a way of living out God’s commandment to love one another. May we rise to God’s call to be good stewards of His creation!