What we do
A Brief Overview of our Initiatives
Should you be interested in finding out more, additional contact information and details have been provided at the bottom of this section. Feel free to reach out to us should you wish to find out more.
Advocacy & Education
Raising awareness of leading sustainable lifestyles through social media
Through our Instagram and Facebook pages, we hope to bring about an understanding that caring for creation is an important aspect of Christianity, and inspire Christians to incorporate sustainable habits in their lives.
Guided Reflection Walks
Audio-guided nature walks encouraging appreciation of God's creation
Our audio-guided creation walks have been curated by our team with the goal of inspiring Christians to recognise the beauty of God's creation, and to reflect on their relationships with the natural world.
Church Engagement
Promoting sustainable habits and practices amongst churches in Singapore
We have aided in the curation of guidebooks for churches that focus on recognising our responsibility to steward earth's resources, as well as providing practical measures for churches to adopt sustainable practices.
Our Projects
Acknowledging the need for greater emphasis on Creation Care by Christians and the Church, we hope that our projects and initiatives will equip both individuals and churches to adopt more environmentally-conscious habits.